I did a quick read up on when I should be harvesting by courgettes and the resource I found said when they're 4" long, which seems tiny to me! So, I picked the 4 which were at least 4" long and they, along with these lovely chillies (which, looking at the shapes, are quite clearly two different varieties) went into this weekends big chilli cook-up :o) Very pleased with that, though the pak choi pretty much died and the spinach went weird, the courgettes are going strong and the sweet pepper plants are just about to flower for the first time. Not sure the peppers will ripen unless we get an Indian Summer, but we'll see.

Having had reasonably bad DOMS yesterday, there was no way I could go and play on bikes with Mr TOTKat so it was nice that he ended up delaying that until today. So, we were up at 07:45, scoffing down a good breakfast and some tea before cycling gently down to Hampton Pool. Half an hour trundle for 14km or so to the start of the Thames Turbo Triathlon cycle route, nice and gentle apart from one bit of a hill, down the other side of which I hit 49.1kph :oD We decided I'd have a 7 minute head-start, given that Mr TOTKat is usually 10 minutes faster than me for the cycle route and I headed off at a pretty good pace. Cutting a long story short, I hit my goal of not being passed by Mr TOTKat until after the turn around the roundabout at the 13km mark and proceeded to not be more than a minute behind him to the finish. In the last race, my time for the route was 48:52, today I did it in 43:58. Possibly worth the extra effort put in, but I need to bear in mind that some of that time in the last race is transition between swim and bike and bike and run.
Given the HRM count of 1107, there was a lot of eating to do today and I really enjoyed finally getting to crumble one of my fruit, nut and seed bars onto some fruit and yogurt this afternoon. Really nice taste and textures mix.
B - MP Total breakfast with frozen blueberries and skimmed milk
*lots of cycling*
S - 2 rashers thick bacon in wholemeal bread
L - lettuce, sweet peppers, walnuts, ham, boiled eggs and cherry tomatoes with a vinaigrette
S - strawberries, greek yogurt, honey and a crumbled fruit, nut and seed bar
D - wholegrain pasta with tuna, cream cheese and peas
Calories (kcal)
[kcals to maintain weight (inc. exercise) | 2471
2755] |
Protein (g) | 177.0 (28.3%) |
Carbohydrate (g) | 230.3 (36%) |
Fat (g) | 68.3 (30.2%) |
Fibre (g) | 27.9 |
Fruit & Veg | 5.9 |
You breakfast looks amazing. Am noting the mention of the TTT cylcle route. It might not be long before I start pestering you to take me with you guys! Hehe! :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to be able to grow some veg but the tiny excuse for a garden we have stays in the shade almost all day. Your chillies look wonderful x