I felt a bit sick all the way there... what if it was the wrong week again? (of course it wasn't, I'd heard the woman say we were booked for 24th, so... well, it never stops the fear though, does it?) The journey wasn't too bad and we knew the way already so that was handy.

I think I cooked dinner all of twice in the whole week - we picked up some local beef and duck at the food fair in Truro at the weekend and had steak early in the week and duck right at the end. In between was a lot of pub dinners and a trip to Rick Stein's "The Seafood Restaurant" in Padstow (with a round trip taxi journey at £110!). Stein's was great. Really great. We had the 7 course tasting menu with wine recommended by the sommelier and every course was really lovely right down to the puff-light pavlova at the end which left us not feeling stuffed at all, just nicely full and happy. And, for a top-notch restaurant tasting menu it wasn't desperately expensive. Very happy customers.
Oh, and on the one day of glorious sunshine, we hired a couple of mountain bikes from the Bike Barn and cycled the "Coast to Coast Trail" - 22ish miles of almost flat track and trail through nature reserves, along a river, past an old arsenic mine and, of course, a coast at either end.
Sounds like a lovely time x