Thursday, 28 October 2010

Weight Watchers Pro Points demo

I day on Pro Points without dipping in to the weekly "back pocket" points allowance.

Edit:- This was the table demo of a typical day's food on the new Pro Points system during the weight loss phase.  3 Meals, 3 snacks and that includes a bottle of beer!


  1. I found a dutch site that explained vaguely how it works, and I have to say a) I like that the new points take into account how filling foods are as well as how much nutrition they provide and b) I *really* like the idea of a daily allowance and a weekly allowance running separately. It could be complicated, but it sounds like it could make weekends and parties much easier to budget for than without going mad and depriving yourself the rest of the week.

  2. I also really like how they've presented that!

  3. What is it, I can't tell! I am unfairly suspicious of WW, I don't know why. Perhaps because any time I've ever tried their food from the supermarket it's been a bit rubbish. But it sounds like this new system is a lot more sophisticated. If a little hand hold-y...

  4. Alison: absolutely know where you're coming from on the the suspicion side of things but any decently science-based system that gets away from calories is interesting, I think.
