Monday, 17 January 2011

Last year's races

Thames Turbo Triathlon (TTT) sprint races were the ones I did last year.  I missed the first one due to the skiing incident and completed the other 3/4:-
  • Race 2 - 347/411 (top 84.5%) overall, 39/54 (top 72.2%) in my category - 01:35:02
  • Race 3 - 268/341 (top 78.5%) overall, 31/49 (top 63.3%) in my category - 01:28:32
  • Race 4 - 219/369 (top 59.0%) overall, 22/61 (top 36.0%) in my category - 01:24:37
(category by TTT rules is F30-39, not BTF F35-39)

Oddly, I was convinced that my final race was slower than the one before it but, blow me, it was a good 'un!  Need to think about what times I want to be aiming for this year.  The goals at the moment are:-
  • Improve times through the 4 TTTs
  • Improve times through the Clapham Common 10Ks

  • Get around the Sheffield Half Marathon
  • Get through the London Triathlon (Olympic distance)
  • Set a benchmark time for the Blenheim sprint triathlon (different swim distance to the TTTs)
  • (beat the Blenheim time at the Windsor sprint triathlon if places come available)
  • Either; beat last year's 5km Swimathon time, or set a time for a fast Swimathon distance
Obviously these will refine as the year unfolds.


  1. Great goals! I'd been thinking about doing the Sheffield half, I don't think I'm going to but if I end up doing we could meet and say hello :-)

  2. That would be great! Hope you do decide to do it :o)
